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Bug Reports

  • To submit a bug report, open an issue or create a response at the discussion thread.
  • Ensure your report includes a detailed explanation of the problem with any relavent images, videos, etc (such as console errors).
  • Aim to include a link to a stipped-down uncopylocked Roblox place which reproduces the bug.

Questions and Feedback

  • Be sure to check out the documentation and resources first before asking a question.
  • We recommend asking all questions and posting feedback to the discussion thread.

Submitting a resource (video tutorial, port, etc)

Suggestions and Code

  • TopbarPlus is completely free and open source; any suggestions and code contributions are greatly appreciated!
  • To make a suggestion, open an issue or create a response at the discussion thread.
  • For large contributions (like a new feature) please open an issue before beginning a code contribution to ensure it's discussed through fully (we wouldn't want to waste your time!).
  • For smaller contributions (a few lines of code, fixing typos, etc) feel free to send a pull request right away.
  • Make sure to merge your pull requests into the #development branch.
  • Some tools you'll find useful when working on this project:


  • If you find any problems in the documentation, including typos, bad grammar, misleading phrasing, or missing content, feel free to file issues and pull requests to fix them.
  • To test documentation:
    1. Install Python (which comes with pip).
    2. Install Material for MKDocs.
    3. Visit the TopbarPlus repository.
    4. Click Fork in the top right corner.
    5. Clone this fork into your local repository.
    6. Change directory to this clone cd TopbarPlus.
    7. Swap to the development branch git checkout development.
    8. Call mkdocs serve within your terminal.
    9. Open your local website (it will look something like
    10. Any changes to mkdocs.yml or the files within docs will now update live to this local site.


All pull requests must be made to the development branch.