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ZonePlus splits items into three categories:

  • LocalPlayer
  • Players
  • Parts

These categories then utilise unique methods to determine whether their corresponding item type is within a zone.


It's important to understand that unlike in v1, zones now act as a collective through the ZoneController module. This means information can be generated once in a central area and shared with relavent zones, as apposed to each zone working independently.


  1. While a localplayer-connection is active (i.e. when a developer connects to zone.localPlayerEntered/Exited)...
  2. Perform a WorldRoot:GetPartBoundsInBox check within the local player. An array of all zone group parts is used as its whitelist.
  3. Use this result to determine the zones the player is within.
  4. Update each of these returned zones and determine whether .localPlayerEntered or .localPlayerExited should be fired.
  5. If active, calculate the clock time of the next check based upon the zone.accuracy enum.


  1. While a player-connection is active (i.e. when a developer connects to zone.playerEntered/Exited)...
  2. Compare the total volume of all zones against the total volume of all player characters (these are pre-determined through events instead of calculating every check).
  3. If the total characters volume is less than the total zone volume then:
    1. Iterate through each player in the server.
    2. Perform a WorldRoot:GetPartBoundsInBox check over the local player. A collective of all zone group parts is used as its whitelist.
    3. Find the corresponding zone of these bound parts. If that zone is entirely made up of Blocks, then register instantly.
    4. If not, then perform a WorldRoot:GetPartsInPart check (which is more precise) using the previous result as its whitelist. Register these successful results.
    5. If a returned zone has an active player connection, update it and determine if .playerEntered(player) or .playerExited(player) should be called.
  4. Else if the total characters volume is greater than the total zone volume then:
    1. Iterate through each active zone.
    2. If the zone has an active player connection, perform a WorldRoot:GetPartBoundsInBox check of the zones rough area using all character parts within the server as a whitelist.
    3. Using a dictionary, match the bodyparts to their corresponding players.
    4. For each player detected, perform the same precise checks over their character highlighted in (3).
    5. Update the zone with these players and fire .playerEntered(player) and/or .playerExited(player) where necessary.
  5. If active, calculate the clock time of the next check based upon the zone.accuracy enum.


  1. When a part-connection is formed (i.e. when a developer connects to zone.partEntered/Exited), apply a touched event to all group-parts within the zone.
  2. When a part touches one of these group-parts, set its .CanTouch property to false.
  3. Fire .partEntered(part) and form a 'tracking connection' for the part.
  4. While this tracking connection is active...
    1. Perform a 'tiny check' (of size (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), using the zones group parts as a whitelist) to verify the parts center is still within the zone.
    2. If this returns false, then it means the part is either on the outer bounds of the zone or has exited. Now perform a whole-body WorldRoot:GetPartBoundsInBox (or WorldRoot:GetPartsInPart if more precision if required if the zone contains non-block baseparts) check, with the zones group parts as a whitelist.
    3. If this returns false, then the part has exited the zone. Fire .partExited(part), disconnect the tracking connection and set the parts .CanTouch property back to true.
    4. Else if the tracking connection is still active, calculate the clock time of the next check based upon the zone.accuracy enum.
  5. If all part-connections are disconnected, disconnect all touched events and end any tracking connections.


  1. Same methodology as Players, except using tracked instances from zone:trackItem(item) instead of a players character.


  1. Whitelists everywhere. ZonePlus ensures only necessary parts (such as a characters HumanoidRootPart) are tracked and then passed through to whitelists when performing checks.
  2. A zones Region coordinates are rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4 to ensure it rests on the voxel grid.
  3. The volume comparisons enable zones to determine players inside with optimal efficiency. For instance, if a server contains a single 8x8x8 zone and 100 players of size 4x5x1, its significantly more efficient to check only the zone (of volume 512), as apposed to every player (of total volume 2000). Likewise, if you have multiple large zones which cover a map and few players in a server, it's going to be significantly more optimal to check each player as apposed to every zone.
  4. For the experimental part events, .Touched abuse checks are enforced to prevent parts firing these events more than the property value of whatever enum.accuracy is.